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AGM 2022

Posted: Thu 6th Oct 2022 9:35 pm
by Andy M
All Members and Non Members

The LCR AGM will this year be held on:- Sunday 6th November 2022 @ 10.30am


Premier Inn.
South Mimms,
Swanland Road

We will be in meeting Room 8.

The Premier Inn is at the services Junction of the M25 and A1M

All are welcome, if you wish to attend please can you inform either myself or a member of the committee as soon as you are able as we need to confirm numbers with the venue at least 48hours in advance. Covid Rules do not apply at this venue.
If you wish to bring any issues up for discussion or for the the attention of the membership please inform me in writing at least 7 days before the above date so as to be included into the agenda.

Best regards to all!

Andy M