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Saying hello

Posted: Wed 10th Jun 2015 1:08 pm
by HagertyTim
afternoon all, my name is Tim, i work for Hagerty classic car insurance but i also own a 74 Escort Mexico.
You will see an advert for hagerty in the next issue of quarter bumper, would be great to talk to some of you guys when your insurance comes up for renewal.

Re: Saying hello

Posted: Wed 10th Jun 2015 7:53 pm
by H Cortina
Nice chap, nice car, nice insurance company. Just swapped over to them.

Nothing to lose and everything to gain, all it takes is a phone call.

Re: Saying hello

Posted: Wed 10th Jun 2015 8:13 pm
by Pete G
H Cortina wrote:Nice chap, nice car, nice insurance company. Just swapped over to them.

Nothing to lose and everything to gain, all it takes is a phone call.
Changed for cheaper price or other reason?

Re: Saying hello

Posted: Thu 11th Jun 2015 5:50 am
by H Cortina

Got the hump with "an other". Quoted me £231 and then reduced it by £60 when I rang to say I was leaving.

That so annoys me, why not quote the reduced price first instead of trying to get me to renew at the higher figure.