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National 2014 will YOU be going?

Posted: Thu 19th Jun 2014 7:06 pm
by H Cortina
To save confusing the post to add your names to this one is to point out that closing day is looming.

The National has to be moved around the country to make it accessible to a wider audience. New venues have to be tried because you never know when you will fall over the right formula for a brilliant day out.

Stratford was a gamble for the mk1 club several years ago. It enjoyed a huge turn out for consecutive years as they ticked all the boxes.

Will Donington tick YOUR box? Well unless you attend you will be faced with the dilemma of never knowing what you missed.

The chances of it being a disaster are remote because even like Santa Pod if only 5 cars turn up then that will be 5 people who had a good day out.

More than 5 cars would be preferred so please give it a go and add your name to the list on the other posting.