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JRO 876C

Posted: Sat 14th Nov 2009 11:16 am
by Andy A
Does anyone know the whereabouts of this car. I nearly bought this car in 2005 and understand that it went into historic rallying. It would be good to see how she's performed.

Posted: Thu 19th Nov 2009 1:17 pm
by Rick
Last heard of in 2007, car was inspected around 2005. nothing since

JRO 876C

Posted: Sat 15th Jan 2011 2:49 am
by CJ
I don't know where this LC is now but I do know where it came from. My late father bought JRO 876C new in around 1964 when we lived in Farnborough, Kent. I remember the car well as my mother used to use the car for shopping, school trips and so on - no motorsport unfortunately. In fact my father was so irritated by the noise inside the car that he had a lot of sound deadening installed around the engine bay. How times have changed. No other modifications were made.

I am away at the moment but I am more or less sure that I have some photographs of the car back in the UK if anyone is interested. When I get back I may be able to post them.